Mr. Leung Wai Kei (HK)
Principal, Cheong Wong Wai Primary School

Integrated Education: How can school cater for individual needs under 'integrated education'?

Leung had been a primary school teacher for more than 20 years before serving as the Principal of Cheong Wong Wai Primary School in 2009. He believes in the principle of Integrated Education, and that establishing inclusive values in the school is the key to success. He believes teachers should believe that every student has unique potential and appreciate students' capabilities from different perspectives, and that schools should provide room for students to fully develop their multiple intelligence.

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Mr. Chan Hung (HK) 
Founder, Principal Chan Free Tutorial World

Integrated Education: How can school cater for individual needs under 'integrated education'?

Chan was the founding principal of a Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) secondary school, the Secretary of the Hong Kong DSS Secondary Schools Association and the Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Private Schools Association. In 2011, he stepped down and established the "Principal Chan Free Tutorial World", providing free one-to-one tutorial service for kids with financial and learning difficulties. Since beginning operation, more than 3,500 students have registered, and over 2,500 of them have benefited from the free service thus far.

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Mr. Vincent Yeung (HK)
Principal, Youth College (VTC), Hong Kong

Integrated Education: How can school cater for individual needs under 'integrated education'?

Before joining the Vocational Training Council (VTC), Vincent had worked at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University for 9 years. He specialised in Social Policy studies and Youth Services and was responsible to teach relevant undergraduate and postgraduate Social Work courses. He was also an experienced youth social work practitioner before joining the academic field.

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