捐款 Donation

若您想捐助不同金額, 請選擇HK$1 x 所需數量

Thank you so much for your generosity!
If you'd like to donate a different amount, simply choose HK$1 x a desired amount.
Your support can help us continue to promote a culture of respecting diversity of children at home and at school, and help them flourish in an empathic environment.
Any donation above HK$100 is tax deductible.

其他捐款方式 Other Donation Methods

入票或銀行轉賑: 東亞銀行 (015)

賬戶號碼:266-68-00295-0 (往來戶口)
*請在支票背面/轉賑上註明: 捐款

FPS : 103961454 (公司名稱EDIVERSITY LIMITED)

Bank Transfer: Bank of East Asia (015)

Account Name: EDiversity Ltd. 
Account Number:266-68-00295-0 current account)
*Please state 'Donation' on back of cheque / transfer 

FPS : 103961454 (Company name EDIVERSITY LIMITED)