Mr. Robert Highfield (HK)
Executive Member, EDiversity
Can children learn in different ways in a classroom? Imagining the future classroom together with the help of a drama by a few children.
Arni was born in the UK and joined the Royal Hong Kong Police in 1974. He served 31 years in many posts, mainly with frontline duties. He was a superintendent before retirement in 2005. Then he bought a yacht and realised his boyhood dream to sail around the world, with his wife, Cam, and two daughters, Molly and Nancy, ages 6 and 4 at the time. His family homeschooled on board Yacht Jade for 5 years before returning to Hong Kong.
New Youth Barber Shop
Closing Performance
Au Yeung, Fat Chai, and Showroom were university friends. They founded their music group, "New Youth Barbershop", in 2013. Though using simple guitar chords, their songs are full of reflections on society. They have won a lot of fans through social media and the Internet. After graduating last year, they opted out of their original professional pursuit and devoted their time to pursue their music dreams together.
Closing Wrap up by 3 founders + debut of original music production: My September Child