Another conference on reflection in education:
How a homework-free holiday can enable children to learn better and more!
Decades of research has consistently shown the ill effect of stress and homework on learning. In the Philippines, the ministry of education prohibited primary schools from issuing homework on weekends; in Quebec, Canada, some primary schools have experimented with zero homework policy for a whole year; even in Beijing, there has been policies to decrease the amount of homework and tests. But what about Hong Kong?
Rethinking "Real" Holidays: Quality time with your children, spent on quality activities!
EDiversity's second conference, "We Need a Break", raises an important question for Hong Kong parents: "What if our children can get their weekends and holidays back without any homework?" We've invited experts from across Hong Kong and Taiwan to discuss how quality family time can not only improve children's learning, but also the whole family and entire society! We'll also look into the effectiveness of homework and standardized assessments in real world learning, and put the spotlight on the importance of minimizing rote learning and drilling and giving time for our children's brains to rest.
Nobody wants to be a "monster parent" if we have the choice. If we can all do some critical thinking, and dare to make the right choices, then together, we can change the world for our children! For us and our families!
Organiser | Co-Organisers | |||
EDiversity 2015 'We Need a Break!' Trailer
Words from Participants
Dr Doris Cheng: The research findings on kindergarten education approach, the introduction of Finland Education. Very impressive
Marco Sir: 令人感受到什麼是以生命影響生命,令我對家中兩男孩子的教養方式有新的啟發
Dr. Doris Cheng, Marco Sir, Kenny Or, Perci Wong. They have been presenting some core values of raising and educating a child. The ideas had inspired me in educating my target clients and parents.
Macro sir非常真實,有意思的人生,追求理想向前進。是智慧的追求。
Henry 從別的再度看創意,自信,人與人溝通在magic play 產生。
Kenny or and Marco sir. They both passionate about what They do and change the world. Marco Sir. 男孩成長需要成長空間,培養自信男孩的路該如何走。
徐俊祥博士 --大埔舊墟公立學校(寶湖道)校長︰學校怎樣回應真假期的訴求和限制,很具體的工作和實際困難。
Harry 哥哥︰用了很有趣幽默方法帶出主題和重點,很多技巧看似很困難,做的時候並不是容易。
柯佳列 -- 綠腳丫︰說話很有感染力,帶出ACTION ,跑出框框重要性。
Principal Dr Tsui Chun Cheung. Although he is a principal in a public school and must follow all rules from EDB, he tried to do his best to educate his teachers to cut down the homeworks and promote readings.
Love=Time, refreshing myself what the basic concept is.
Ms Wai Wai Ying: She provides a very good method and strategy for parents to teach children English and Literacy.
綠腳Y發起人和黃鎮昌的去流浪把自信帶回家, 魔術教育等印象深刻, 或也因講者較風趣生動, 今人印象深刻, 同時 因為我本人也深信自然的力量, 更常與孩同行於山野中, 更領悟到大自然的海闊天空, 變幻莫測以及四季有時, 萬物有序....才是煅煉堅毅, 堅持, 適時等候的性情。但其它不同專業領域的講者都非常不錯, 因由他們的組合, 能啟發我們從不同方向去思考, 令論壇全面生動, 所以, 所有的講者都缺一不可. 最重要的是, 平時我個人能力有限, 無法找尋這一類的活動和機構, 現因此認識了這些機構和個人, 並將持續關注和跟隨他們的腳步.
The organizer did a great job. Thanks a lot
绿腳丫 puts dedicated effort to make a change by engaging both parents and schools.
天使家庭中心's dedication in nurture children's personality through many innovative outdoor activities.
很多講者內容都很吸引,很有啟發性,要選最深印象本人會選Marco Sir分享讀寫障礙男孩的經歷,因自己的小孩是男孩,所以也會反思自己會否過度限制阻礙他發展
the Violinist who lost his forearm: He is a very positive person, and his sharing about how he views life and overcomes the difficulties was truly inspiring and encouraging! The sharing was very good for children too.
Dr Doris Cheng as she shared the observations of Finland's chikdhood education. It is contrasting strongly with the 'all offer' education concept of H K. Parents and teachers provide lots of service and protection to kids, I think that is the root of no real break for everyone.
Experience sharing by the speaker and the speaker could provoke us for further thinking.