蔡淑媖女士 (台北)



黃鎮昌先生(Marco Sir)


透過「上山下海到海外」的野外活動,讓兒童及青少年在大自然中克服各種考驗,建立一個健康而扎實、自信而不驕傲的品格 舉行「親子心聲分享會」,營造和諧氣氛,以獨特的提問方式,讓孩子與家長娓娓道山不為對方所知的心底話,孩子及家長能互相被「看見」及「聽見」,在營會中一起經歷、學習及改變。



美國Vanderbilt University George Peabody College圖書館管理學碩士。曾任公理書院中學教師、香港小童群益會圖書館程序幹事、新雅文化事業有限公司董事總經理兼總編輯、香港朗文出版(遠東)有限公司雙語出版董事。1992年創辦青田教育中心,青田教育基金會教學顧問。從事探索兒童中英語文閱讀的方法和出版工作。2001-2007年參與一津小推行「青田陽光英語綜合教學法」校本課程行動研究。著作包括Basic Phonics Series、Ready to Go English Grammar in Context Series, Ready to Go English Text Types Activity Book Series、Greenfield’s Dialogue Board Games、《少就是多淺入深出--青田陽光英語綜合教學法實踐與反思》、《學好拼音---拼讀、串字、默書》、《學習中文三部曲教師手冊(合著)》等。

Ms. Percie Wong (Hong Kong)
Reading education trainer, Bring Me a Book

環節:The power of picture books - a magical journey of learning, learning can be fun!

王素瑩Percie Wong specializes in reading education. She is a degree holder major in Psychology (BSc. Hons) and a member of the Hong Kong Psychological Society. She is a qualified Trainer for Bring Me A Book Hong Kong (BMABHK) where she has extensive experience in conducting BMABHK First Teacher’s Training to parents and Train-the-Trainer Workshop to teachers and social workers. Miss Wong is passionate to motivate parents about reading aloud, English teachers and students to enhance English learning through picture books. 

Since 2012, she assisted BMABHK to take charge the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) English Alliance 2012/13 and 2014/15 projects. The aim is to create fun English language experience to Hong Kong primary and secondary students making use of picture books to promote literacy as well as enhancing English learning.

From July 2013, Percie assisted Chen Yet-Sen Family Foundation (CYSFF) to conduct training workshops in Hefei, China to primary level English teachers – “Scaffolding Children’s English Learning through Picture Books”. Its focus on the classroom based reading aloud techniques and how it could help English teaching and expose students to interesting literature, as well as fun learning. 

She conducts English Storytelling sessions at Hong Kong Public Libraries and community centres regularly using interactive read-alouds with the systematic approach to develop children’s understanding of vocabulary as well as the phonological awareness in boosting their oral English.