TSA、功課壓力、多個學生輕生... 我們捉緊重要海外學者到港的機會, 搞了這場研討會, 反思考試與評估: 這影響我們教育的重要議題

Dr. Kristiina Erkkilä 
Dr. Stephen Krashen 

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  • 按此瀏覽參加者感言

    I used to think that standardized Exam in US, like SAT, was popular.

    Standardized tests, in general, should not be used as a sole measure of one's ability, it only reflects a narrow insight of one's ability.

    I agree that good teachers can make a big impact to the learning at school.

    Regarding PISA: It's glad to know that someone is protecting the exam and our students.
    However, every assessment has its limitation, including TSA and PISA.

    • business/technology industry has a big impact on education
    • the correlation between poverty and education success
    • the impact of school banding in HK
    • less emphasis on achievement and more on non-measurable skills

    When HK references international practices, more research and understanding of the background and the differernces are very important.

    I think it confirmed very much for me the dangers of overemphasis on competitiveness between countries because of unique differences, but it also highlighted for Hong Kong, at least, the need for "engagement" by teachers, librarians, and yes, academics, in the act of reading - showing a warmth for it, and not just turning it into another chore for students. They overwhelmingly dislike reading, and yet all the research and studies show that reading, for pleasure, is the single factor that can effect students in their future/s in doing the thing they are most interested in. Krashen's talk at HKU on Saturday morning further outlined this.

    Appreciate to run this platform to discuss the education topics in professional manner.

    We have to go back to ground zero to realize again the meaning of education.

    I think it confirmed very much for me the dangers of overemphasis on competitiveness between countries because of unique differences, but it also highlighted for Hong Kong, at least, the need for "engagement" by teachers, librarians, and yes, academics, in the act of reading - showing a warmth for it, and not just turning it into another chore for students. They overwhelmingly dislike reading, and yet all the research and studies show that reading, for pleasure, is the single factor that can effect students in their future/s in doing the thing they are most interested in. Krashen's talk at HKU on Saturday morning further outlined this.

    Appreciate to run this platform to discuss the education topics in professional manner.

    We have to go back to ground zero to realize again the meaning of education.

    Prof Ho had shared a very bureaucratic point of view of education. She emphasized key competencies of the children. Yet, on her powerpoint, the definition of key competencies is not related to any skill of making a living but related to being an government officer or servant. Positively speaking, we may say to expose the children to knowledge. It seems the more they can learn, the more they equip with a sharp edge of competition. That is how assessment comes to be justified. This will limit the curriculum to a great extent and jeopardize general education. We have to rethink. The students when they reach 18 are viewed as grown up. A grown up person ought to be independent to live on his own. Most students feel they have no competence to work after graduation. That is why many of them are so scared. Many of them got blamed. Some of them just committed suicide.



全世界的教育都以考試與評估輔助, 我們孤疑為何如芬蘭這教育強國的教育與評估方式不用操練, 也未有為孩子做成巨大壓力;


公開試與標準評估在香港與其他地方的用處為何? 其功用與誤用何在?

21世紀教育愈來愈講求培育學生的「軟技巧」, 如協作、自信心、創意、溝通、同理心等難以測量的各個方面, 我們如何平衡對大數據的追求; 又應如何設計考試與評估及利用數據, 同時又可確保學生的個別發展需要得到保障?

經過多月來的TSA 討論, 我們有幸得到美國、芬蘭的學者同時訪港, 並參與這次研討會, 讓大家可從不同角度看考試與評估在不同地方的發展, 給予我們新的思考方向。